I'm not dead, honest. I am kind of bummed I missed June's monthly booklist, but it couldn't be helped. I didn't have much time to read or post here as we were busy moving to Austin (and breaking down in Virginia along the way). But we're here now, finally, and I'm still surrounded by boxes that need to be unpacked. Not much going on other than job hunting and staying up too late doing... what? I don't know.
This week we're going to meet some friends in Brenham (or some such town), then we're heading to my parents in OK with the intention of getting a new car while we're there. We desperately need one. As I said, the car broke down in Virginia, but this was even after we had it in the shop to get some hose fixed on it before we even left. Then we got to Texas and the air conditioner broke. NOT FUN. Then the radio broke. It's a downward spiral.
Austin's not bad. We've seen some of the sights while we were here (bars, bats, restaurants, Drew Barrymore), but I'm sure there's still a lot more to see. I need to go grocery shopping now. I'll be back when I have something more interesting to talk about.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monthly Booklist
May is here and school is over! YES! Somehow I actually passed both of my classes and now I can focus on The Move before classes start again. I don't know how much reading I'll get done during that time, but over the past month here's what we have:
The Ruby Key by Holly Lisle: Always love Holly's work and this was no exception. I can't wait for the next one in the series (The Silver Door), but I guess I'll have to keep myself busy reading her awesome weblog and drooling over this book's cover art.
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder: I've had this book sitting on my shelf for ten months. I don't know why I put off reading it for so long since I absolutely loved the first one. I guess I was afraid I'd be disappointed. I can't say that I finished it 100% satisfied - there were little bits and pieces that bugged me - but overall it was great.
I need to start a new category in the booklist called Books I Started But Never Finished Because They Were Incredibly Annoying. This is reserved for books where the main character says, "I never refused a job" then three(!) pages later she talks about the kinds of jobs she refuses. I'm looking at you, Zoe Martinique! But I try to give these kinds of books the benefit of the doubt. I mean I DID slog through almost every book in the Anita Blake series. (To be fair, it was only slogging for the last 4-5 books. Before that, it was devouring.) More than likely I'll try to finish this particular book and move on to one that entertains rather than infuriates.
These books (and others) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
The Ruby Key by Holly Lisle: Always love Holly's work and this was no exception. I can't wait for the next one in the series (The Silver Door), but I guess I'll have to keep myself busy reading her awesome weblog and drooling over this book's cover art.
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder: I've had this book sitting on my shelf for ten months. I don't know why I put off reading it for so long since I absolutely loved the first one. I guess I was afraid I'd be disappointed. I can't say that I finished it 100% satisfied - there were little bits and pieces that bugged me - but overall it was great.
I need to start a new category in the booklist called Books I Started But Never Finished Because They Were Incredibly Annoying. This is reserved for books where the main character says, "I never refused a job" then three(!) pages later she talks about the kinds of jobs she refuses. I'm looking at you, Zoe Martinique! But I try to give these kinds of books the benefit of the doubt. I mean I DID slog through almost every book in the Anita Blake series. (To be fair, it was only slogging for the last 4-5 books. Before that, it was devouring.) More than likely I'll try to finish this particular book and move on to one that entertains rather than infuriates.
These books (and others) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Legal mumbo jumbo
I was reading the lease for the new apartment in Austin and came across this little tidbit in paragraph 22:
Does that mean you have to tell them 30 days before you die or after? Either way, I am not that good at planning ahead.
Death of Sole Resident. If you are the sole resident, upon your death you may terminate the Lease Contract without penalty with at least 30 days written notice.
Does that mean you have to tell them 30 days before you die or after? Either way, I am not that good at planning ahead.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Morning observations
I totally saw a bald eagle as I was driving to work today. I don't think I've ever seen one just out, you know, flying around like birds sometimes do. It was kinda neat. Though I was disappointed it wasn't carrying around an American flag in its beak. Damn commie eagles.
I also saw a newspaper (not flying around) with a headline that read:
I just saw it in passing and at first I was confused. Hil Billy? WTF? Then it hit me. Oh my god. It's like Brangelina or Bennifer. Hilary + Bill = HilBilly. If that's not reason enough to vote for Barack Obama, I don't know what is.
I also saw a newspaper (not flying around) with a headline that read:
I just saw it in passing and at first I was confused. Hil Billy? WTF? Then it hit me. Oh my god. It's like Brangelina or Bennifer. Hilary + Bill = HilBilly. If that's not reason enough to vote for Barack Obama, I don't know what is.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Public Service Announcement
Please make sure someone is a mother before you tell her Happy Mother's Day. I'm just sayin'...
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A long, long time ago I created a website. That website was ugly. UG. LY. Of course, at the time I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I mean when you hovered your cursor over a button thingy it turned red! Wowee! Since then I've redesigned the website and it is much more presentable now, though it's currently not being used. (That should change soon though. Wayne and I are going to bring it back to life.) Anyway, today I googled the website's name and came across a thread titled "What's the worst site you've seen?" and the very first site? The site to inspire this post? The site I designed a long, long time ago, of course! I was simultaneously ashamed yet amused. Obviously I agree it was a terrible site, but I know (I KNOW) there were and are worse ones out there. So, mostly I just think it's pretty damn funny. Like when you bring out your old high school yearbook and you're like, "Satellite bangs! What was I thinking?" Then you show all your friends, family and coworkers that picture even though you know they'll laugh at you.
Monthly Booklist
I was pretty slack in April. I only finished two books. I started a some others, but somehow haven't found the time to finish anything. Fretting over schoolwork rather than actually doing it while planning a cross-country move tends to take up a lot of time.
Jumper by Steven Gould: - I read Reflex first, which is the book that comes after this one. Then I watched the movie version of Jumper, then I read this book. You'd have to wake up pretty early to beat me when it comes to doing things ass-backward. But back to the book. Aside from the slightly implausible hijacking business, I really enjoyed it. I recommend that you do NOT compare this book to the movie, as they are pretty much nothing alike. The only thing they have in common is the main character's name is David and he can teleport. It seems like the producers thumbed through the book and caught certain keywords (as I've mentioned) and thought, "Hey! Teleportation. We can do something with that." Then they proceded to write their own story and say it was based on the book. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the movie... it just had nothing to do with the book. Here's a little fun fact: The cover of the newer paperback version has scenes from the movie on it that don't even happen in the book. At all. Griffin? Never heard of him.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson: - Max (aka Maximum Ride - great name!) is the leader of a flock of adolescent winged mutant kids on the run from their creators - the evil "whitecoats" - and Erasers (nasty mutant wolf-men whose sole purpose is to kill). They move quickly from one disaster to the next while searching for the truth about their genetically-modified origins, their destiny and the parents they've never known. The action-packed, cliffhanger chapters are mostly pretty short and led me halfway through the book before I even realized it. Great read. Technically this is a "young adult" book, but I'd never let that stop me from reading something that sounds interesting.
These books(and others) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Jumper by Steven Gould: - I read Reflex first, which is the book that comes after this one. Then I watched the movie version of Jumper, then I read this book. You'd have to wake up pretty early to beat me when it comes to doing things ass-backward. But back to the book. Aside from the slightly implausible hijacking business, I really enjoyed it. I recommend that you do NOT compare this book to the movie, as they are pretty much nothing alike. The only thing they have in common is the main character's name is David and he can teleport. It seems like the producers thumbed through the book and caught certain keywords (as I've mentioned) and thought, "Hey! Teleportation. We can do something with that." Then they proceded to write their own story and say it was based on the book. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the movie... it just had nothing to do with the book. Here's a little fun fact: The cover of the newer paperback version has scenes from the movie on it that don't even happen in the book. At all. Griffin? Never heard of him.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson: - Max (aka Maximum Ride - great name!) is the leader of a flock of adolescent winged mutant kids on the run from their creators - the evil "whitecoats" - and Erasers (nasty mutant wolf-men whose sole purpose is to kill). They move quickly from one disaster to the next while searching for the truth about their genetically-modified origins, their destiny and the parents they've never known. The action-packed, cliffhanger chapters are mostly pretty short and led me halfway through the book before I even realized it. Great read. Technically this is a "young adult" book, but I'd never let that stop me from reading something that sounds interesting.
These books(and others) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Red light, green light
Last night as I was sitting at a red light, I saw a guy on a bike get hit by a car. It was his fault. He tried across a busy street - through oncoming traffic - and ended up with a bent-up back wheel. He was fine, but had to carry his bike off the road. A few minutes later I was waiting at another red light and I heard tires squeal again. I looked over just in time to see a line of four cars ram each other end to end. Then the light turned green and, when I crossed the street, I saw a fifth car further in front that had pulled up onto the center median. The driver was walking down the median toward the pile-up (though technically I don't think it was really a "pile-up" as much as an orgy of bad driving since there appeared to be only minor damage) and I'm not sure if he was involved in the accident or just pulled over to go back and help. Maybe he went back to point and laugh at the other bad drivers. At that point I wouldn't have been surprised. I was just glad to make it to the grocery store and back home without getting run over.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Being nice doesn't pay
This morning on my way to work I stopped at the bagel place. Standing in line, I noticed a twenty dollar bill in one of the muffin bins. Score! I furtively snatched picked it up and (seriously) considered using it to pay for my breakfast, but my goody-goody side won and I decided to turn it in. I really doubt anyone will claim it, but I figured I could use some Karma points. I handed it to the lady at the counter and told her where I found it. She tucked it under the edge of the cash register and said, "Oh yes, someone lost this." (Um, yeah that's why I turned it in.) She then proceded to overcharge me for my bagel. F U Karma!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I've been obsessively watching Weeds lately on Netflix instant download. So funny. Even Wayne likes it and he hardly likes anything on TV that isn't animated or involving Jon Stewart. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching seasons one and two with him so far. You should check it out. If you don't have Netflix, get it now!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Taste the bitter
I have no fucking patience for stupidity today. First, I had to turn off the radio before the dumbass commercials forced me to drive off a bridge or something.
Then I took a drink of my coffee only to find that the wrong caramel flavoring had been used. The new girl used the one that tastes like vomity maple syrup instead of the one that tastes like CARAMEL. The other employees know that you don't use the maple syrup one, but apparently the new girl wasn't adequately trained in this. I hate making a fuss over it, but I would have if I'd have tasted it before I left the store, the parking lot or the town. My ire about this situation isn't directed at the new girl necessarily, but the slack quality of coffee I've gotten there the last few times. It's coffee, dammit. How can you keep fucking it up so badly, Dunkin' Donuts??
And finally, Wayne called the laundry place to find out how much they charge per pound (because we have a ton of laundry and we have better things to do than sit at a laundromat for five hours if we can avoid it). The conversation went a little something like this:
Wayne: How much is it per pound?
Idiot: It goes by weight.
Wayne: What if it weighed one pound?
Idiot: I would have to weigh it.
Wayne: Um, okay. Thanks.
Upon hearing (or reading, as it were) a transcript of this conversation I immediately 1) choked back a fiery rage and 2) asked if she was aware that a pound was actually a unit used to measure the weight of an object. He didn't ask her, but I'm willing to bet she had no idea.
Then I took a drink of my coffee only to find that the wrong caramel flavoring had been used. The new girl used the one that tastes like vomity maple syrup instead of the one that tastes like CARAMEL. The other employees know that you don't use the maple syrup one, but apparently the new girl wasn't adequately trained in this. I hate making a fuss over it, but I would have if I'd have tasted it before I left the store, the parking lot or the town. My ire about this situation isn't directed at the new girl necessarily, but the slack quality of coffee I've gotten there the last few times. It's coffee, dammit. How can you keep fucking it up so badly, Dunkin' Donuts??
And finally, Wayne called the laundry place to find out how much they charge per pound (because we have a ton of laundry and we have better things to do than sit at a laundromat for five hours if we can avoid it). The conversation went a little something like this:
Wayne: How much is it per pound?
Idiot: It goes by weight.
Wayne: What if it weighed one pound?
Idiot: I would have to weigh it.
Wayne: Um, okay. Thanks.
Upon hearing (or reading, as it were) a transcript of this conversation I immediately 1) choked back a fiery rage and 2) asked if she was aware that a pound was actually a unit used to measure the weight of an object. He didn't ask her, but I'm willing to bet she had no idea.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Angry Guy
The other night I was sitting there doing my homework (okay! I was watching TV) and my phone rang. I ignored it, as I usually do, because I didn't recognize the ringtone. And if I don't know your ringtone, you can just leave a message, buddy. As I said, I ignored it. Five minutes later it rang again. Once more, ignored. Another five minutes passed and it rang again. Weird, huh? I figured someone must have really wanted to get in touch with me, so I checked the number. It wasn't one I recognized. I ignored the call, but checked my voicemail right away. It went a little something like this...
9:24 P.M.
Hi, Heather. How are you? My name is Chris and I'm calling for Daniel. I don't know if he's your girlfriend (no, that's not a typo) or whatever, but Kimberly is my wife and I wanted to tell him to stop contacting her. They used to be friends but they're not now, so he really needs to stop contacting her. If he wants to get confrontational about this, he can call me. Look... I don't want this to come to fisticuffs, but if he has a problem he can come to me about it. I don't mind handing him his ass. So, Daniel, if you're listening... LEAVE KIM THE FUCK ALONE.
9:30 P.M.
Hey Heather. Sorry. Daniel, you think you're real fuckin' funny don't you? You like to play your little games. I know what you did to Kim. She has witnesses. (Insert random profanity about the quantity of Daniel's pubic hair, questioning of Daniel's sexual orientation, something about sending Daniel back to prison (though I'm not sure how kicking Daniel's ass will send him to prison), etc.) Call me back. Come over. You think you're a big boy? I'll show you a big boy. You ain't nothin.
I love how he was all polite, even inquring about my health before laying into Daniel (whoever that is). Then the next time he apologizes before his colorful little rant. Ahhh... I get the best wrong number messages!
9:24 P.M.
Hi, Heather. How are you? My name is Chris and I'm calling for Daniel. I don't know if he's your girlfriend (no, that's not a typo) or whatever, but Kimberly is my wife and I wanted to tell him to stop contacting her. They used to be friends but they're not now, so he really needs to stop contacting her. If he wants to get confrontational about this, he can call me. Look... I don't want this to come to fisticuffs, but if he has a problem he can come to me about it. I don't mind handing him his ass. So, Daniel, if you're listening... LEAVE KIM THE FUCK ALONE.
9:30 P.M.
Hey Heather. Sorry. Daniel, you think you're real fuckin' funny don't you? You like to play your little games.
I love how he was all polite, even inquring about my health before laying into Daniel (whoever that is). Then the next time he apologizes before his colorful little rant. Ahhh... I get the best wrong number messages!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I don't know what the deal is this week. Stress, maybe. My body (such as it is) has been freaking out and that annoys me tremendously. Sunday night after I got out of the shower I was putting on a pair of pants, as I have time after time after time, but this time in particular when I lifted one leg and bent over to insert foot, pull up pants... my entire lower back clenched into one huge spasm of pain. I just stood in the bathroom panting and trying to hold my shit together, hoping it would pass, for about ten minutes. It didn't. Eventually I slowly pulled my pants on, took some of my leftover pain medication from my shoulder surgery, and went to prop myself up with about six pillows in the comfy chair. I couldn't even explain how bad it hurt without my voice getting all wavery. But anyway, ouch. It still hurts today, but nowhere near as bad. When I stand up after sitting for awhile I hobble around, tilting a little to the right while hunching slightly, until the kinks work out enough for me to walk properly.
The other thing that is pissing me off is my face. Haha. Um, yeah. I think its actually my eyeballs that the real troublemakers. I am way overdue for a new pair of glasses and the nerves around my eyes keep jumping. Yesterday it was one near tear duct of my left eye. Today it's just under my right eyebrow. And motherfuck is it annoying. I feel like my whole face is spasming. I know it's not - I've looked in the mirror when it happens and you can't even see it - but, sweet baby jesus is it infuriating.
And finally the last thing on my list of Junk That Is Really Pissing Me Off Today, is my cubemate's phone or possibly her laptop. She's not here, but her junk is. And SOMETHING, I don't know what it is, keeps making this PWOP-ing sound every five minutes.
In somewhat related news, I am T minus eight weeks and two days until unemployment. I've reluctantly posted my resume on HotJobs and CareerBuilder, but I'm worried the only thing I'll get in return is spam. I've applied to some jobs elsewhere, but haven't heard anything yet. It has only been a little over a week since I received The News, but I feel the end drawing near and it is worrisome. (Who talks like that? I just pictured myself writing that last sentence out with a quill pen in flourishing script by candle light while wearing a Victorian dress.) I don't know where I'll be or what I'll be doing in three months. Scary. I'm still positive at this point, though. I am, possibly naively, thinking this is an opportunity for us to both find jobs we are happy with. I figure I have at least until the end of May before I really start freaking out. At that point, we'll be relying on school money and carefully tucked away savings (haha! that makes me giggle just typing it).
Now I'm gonna go get some lunch because it's 11:59 and that damn PWOP-ing is making me crazy.
The other thing that is pissing me off is my face. Haha. Um, yeah. I think its actually my eyeballs that the real troublemakers. I am way overdue for a new pair of glasses and the nerves around my eyes keep jumping. Yesterday it was one near tear duct of my left eye. Today it's just under my right eyebrow. And motherfuck is it annoying. I feel like my whole face is spasming. I know it's not - I've looked in the mirror when it happens and you can't even see it - but, sweet baby jesus is it infuriating.
And finally the last thing on my list of Junk That Is Really Pissing Me Off Today, is my cubemate's phone or possibly her laptop. She's not here, but her junk is. And SOMETHING, I don't know what it is, keeps making this PWOP-ing sound every five minutes.
In somewhat related news, I am T minus eight weeks and two days until unemployment. I've reluctantly posted my resume on HotJobs and CareerBuilder, but I'm worried the only thing I'll get in return is spam. I've applied to some jobs elsewhere, but haven't heard anything yet. It has only been a little over a week since I received The News, but I feel the end drawing near and it is worrisome. (Who talks like that? I just pictured myself writing that last sentence out with a quill pen in flourishing script by candle light while wearing a Victorian dress.) I don't know where I'll be or what I'll be doing in three months. Scary. I'm still positive at this point, though. I am, possibly naively, thinking this is an opportunity for us to both find jobs we are happy with. I figure I have at least until the end of May before I really start freaking out. At that point, we'll be relying on school money and carefully tucked away savings (haha! that makes me giggle just typing it).
Now I'm gonna go get some lunch because it's 11:59 and that damn PWOP-ing is making me crazy.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Monthly Booklist
In March I was on a roll. I pretty much just read one series, but it was a good one.
Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened and Lover Revealed (also known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood series) by J. R. Ward: - I devoured each of these books, forsaking homework and TV for days at a time. An addiction, I suppose. I won't go into the storylines too much (or at all, really), but suffice it to say there are vampires involved. But then, aren't there always? Just go read these books already, would ya.
Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido - Wow, I can't believe I forgot to add this one. Better late than never, I guess. Anyway, this novel is based on the Serenity screenplay. I've seen the movie at least twice and from what I remember, the novel is pretty much exactly the same. No better, no worse. I suggest you watch the Firefly series before reading this book (or watching the movie), though. It's just better that way. And it is OH so very good. Love it!
These books (and more) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened and Lover Revealed (also known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood series) by J. R. Ward: - I devoured each of these books, forsaking homework and TV for days at a time. An addiction, I suppose. I won't go into the storylines too much (or at all, really), but suffice it to say there are vampires involved. But then, aren't there always? Just go read these books already, would ya.
Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido - Wow, I can't believe I forgot to add this one. Better late than never, I guess. Anyway, this novel is based on the Serenity screenplay. I've seen the movie at least twice and from what I remember, the novel is pretty much exactly the same. No better, no worse. I suggest you watch the Firefly series before reading this book (or watching the movie), though. It's just better that way. And it is OH so very good. Love it!
These books (and more) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
How thoughtful!
So I'm perusing Craig's List for apartments in Austin (keeping options open here) and as I'm looking at pictures I see the funniest thing. The first apartment has a picture of a kitchen and on the wall there are huge wooden letters that say "EAT". I don't think anything about it, but then I go a few apartments down the list and look at another one. This has a picture of a bedroom and on the wall over the bed there are huge letters that say "DREAM". I'm like, hey that's weird. So then I go back down the list and the third one I look at has a picture of a living room and what do you know - right there on the windowsill by the couch are huge wooden letters that spell out "LIVE".
I'm not even making this up. These were three separate listings in a row which I chose at random. So I can only assume all of the apartments in Austin have instructions on what you're supposed to do in each room conveniently located on the walls. Oh, Austin, you think of everything!
I'm not even making this up. These were three separate listings in a row which I chose at random. So I can only assume all of the apartments in Austin have instructions on what you're supposed to do in each room conveniently located on the walls. Oh, Austin, you think of everything!
See? I told you! It's a day later and I'm hearing someone RIGHT NOW talk about how Obama is related to Brad Pitt.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hello, downward spiral
This story caught my eye, then I felt a little like I might throw up. Seriously. I'm not sure if I'm more annoyed at the media for writing it, the genealogists for doing the research in the first place or the fact that some people probably base their entire political opinions on shit like this.
Maybe I'm just bitter because I got canned yesterday. Well, technically I guess I was just informed of my impending canning as of May 30, 2008. (To clarify, it wasn't just me. Five of my co-workers got the axe also. Budget issues or some such. That makes it all okay, doesn't it?)
Maybe I'm just bitter because I got canned yesterday. Well, technically I guess I was just informed of my impending canning as of May 30, 2008. (To clarify, it wasn't just me. Five of my co-workers got the axe also. Budget issues or some such. That makes it all okay, doesn't it?)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring Break

I took off work Monday - Wednesday this week because Wayne and I were both out of school for Spring Break. Joy! We went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Frida Kahlo exhibit. It was excellent! Not only were there so many of her phenomenal paintings, but there were also tons of photographs of her and Diego, their family and friends. It was very intimate, despite the people everywhere.
Five years ago, almost to the day, I was in Mexico City visiting the museum in Frida's famous blue house. While there were many more paintings and photographs at the Philadelphia exhibit, the blue house (Museo Frida Kahlo) was just amazing. There was her bed, where she was forced to spend so much of her life. Her casts. Her studio. I was so lucky to have the opportunity to visit there.
If you're in the area, you should definitely check out the exhibit in Philly. Even if you've never heard of Frida Kahlo you'll be amazed by her life, her spirit and her phenomenal artwork.
Go. Now!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Thinking and Driving
As I was driving to work today I went through my CD case looking for something I hadn't listened to recently. The case is pretty thick, but I guess I keep going back to the same ones over and over. Anyway, I finally picked one I hadn't heard in awhile, a compilation of MP3s. (That's why I hadn't listened to it in a long time. The pause between the songs is like four seconds instead of two and my time is far too valuable to be wasted waiting on the music to start.)
I had to skip a few folders that were mostly there for Wayne's sake (Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill) and finally came to one called Goodies. Oh yeah, I remember this folder! So I listened and a few good songs come on, then one comes on that I'd totally forgotten about. It caught me completely off guard and kinda knocked the breath out of me, I love it so much. How could I have forgotten it? It made me think that there are very few songs that affect me like that. I can think of precisely three, and they have distinct memories attached to them:
Brick by Ben Folds Five (the one I heard today) - Talking to Wayne on the phone all night
Far Behind by Candlebox - First real concert, first super-favorite band
Black by Pearl Jam - Over and over and over and over and over
So, yeah, that's me being nostalgic.
I had to skip a few folders that were mostly there for Wayne's sake (Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill) and finally came to one called Goodies. Oh yeah, I remember this folder! So I listened and a few good songs come on, then one comes on that I'd totally forgotten about. It caught me completely off guard and kinda knocked the breath out of me, I love it so much. How could I have forgotten it? It made me think that there are very few songs that affect me like that. I can think of precisely three, and they have distinct memories attached to them:
So, yeah, that's me being nostalgic.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Creeped out
I am just a little traumatized from watching Last Tango in Paris the other day. I wasn't feeling well and it was free On Demand, so I figured why not. The name seemed familiar and I thought maybe it was one of those classics that would enrich me culturally, or some shit. Plus Marlon Brando was kinda hot when he was young. Unfortunately he'd already hit middle age by 1972 and his character was just a little crazed in this movie. (And really, I think that wispy 70's hair only accounts for about 40% of the insanity.) Overall it was just a smidge too creepy and disturbing for my liking. But I just kept watching it. I hate movies like that. You go in not knowing what to expect and when it's over you feel just a little dirtier for having seen it. And not in a good way.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Straightening up and flying right.
I started reading One Year to an Organized Life by Regina Leeds on Saturday. In it she recommends journaling, so I suppose I will. I mean what is the use of buying the book if I don't even try what she says. I'm starting on week one where she says to explore the reasons why I am an unorganized slob and blame my parents if possible. Well, she doesn't say that exactly, but she does say to look back into my childhood and see what sorts of things might have triggered my current behavior. This is sort of a problem for me because I really can't remember a lot from my childhood. Not because it was unpleasant (quite the opposite), but because I watched too much Scooby Doo and you know there's only so much room to store things in the human brain. What I do remember is being late to school a lot because I stayed up too late and didn't want to wake up. Boy has THAT been a repeating pattern. Poor Wayne depends on me to take him to school three days a week and he's perpetually late. I'm perpetually late. If I would just go to bed and wake up 30 minutes earlier, this wouldn't be a problem.
But I am getting ahead of myself. The first week is about choosing one thing in the kitchen and doing it every day (like doing dishes or taking out the trash) for 21 days. Sounds good. I didn't do it yesterday though. Maybe today. See, that's another problem. I procrastinate too much (as I have whined about in previous posts). I have the best intentions of making a plan and following it, but everything falls apart when something good comes on TV. Or even something bad. I can always find 1,001 things to do instead of what I need to do (schoolwork, cleaning) and sometimes even things I want to do (schoolwork, writing).
Twenty-one days to make a habit, she says. I can do twenty-one days, right? Three weeks. The plan is to keep the sink clean of dishes and go to bed at 11:30. Baby steps. I'll keep you posted because I know you will be waiting on the edge of your seat.
But I am getting ahead of myself. The first week is about choosing one thing in the kitchen and doing it every day (like doing dishes or taking out the trash) for 21 days. Sounds good. I didn't do it yesterday though. Maybe today. See, that's another problem. I procrastinate too much (as I have whined about in previous posts). I have the best intentions of making a plan and following it, but everything falls apart when something good comes on TV. Or even something bad. I can always find 1,001 things to do instead of what I need to do (schoolwork, cleaning) and sometimes even things I want to do (schoolwork, writing).
Twenty-one days to make a habit, she says. I can do twenty-one days, right? Three weeks. The plan is to keep the sink clean of dishes and go to bed at 11:30. Baby steps. I'll keep you posted because I know you will be waiting on the edge of your seat.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monthly Booklist
Here's the list for February. Still no manuals on how to perform brian surgery for fun and profit. Just stuff I enjoy (mostly). Halfway through this month I got bogged down with homework and didn't have much time to finish any other books to add to the list. But here we go... books for February.
Idlewild by Nick Sagan - This is the story of a young man with a great name who attends an elite virtual reality prep school. He wakes up one day with amnesia and wackiness ensues. Okay, maybe not wackiness...or even hijinks. There are a few shenanigans though. But mostly, just some solid sci-fi writing. I enjoyed this book right up until this one chapter at the very end. It wasn't that the chapter was bad, it was just a little weird. Seemed disconnected. That didn't ruin the overall experience or enjoyability of the book though. I plan to read the next in the series, Edenborn, as soon as I find it or order it online. You should read it.
Kitty and the Silver Bullet by Carrie Vaughn - Kitty is a werewolf and also happens to have a supercool radio show about all things supernatural. Of course she also has several people who would like to see her dead. This is number four in the series, I believe. I recommend all of them, despite the silly titles. Great characters and stories. No gaping plot holes, which is nice.
Kiss of Fire by Deborah Cooke - Sara is an accountant turned New Age bookstore owner with a haunted air conditioner. Quinn is an immortal shapeshifting dragon guy who also happens to be a blacksmith. Supernatural forces bring them together, and some other shapeshifting dragon guys want to tear them apart - literally. I knew this was a "paranormal romance" when I bought it (even typing "paranormal romance" makes my teeth itch) but I liked the cover and I'm a sucker for shapeshifters. Overall it wasn't bad. (I might read the next one if I happen to see it on a shelf at the bookstore.) There was just a little bit too much romance for me, though. There was a lot of slow, sexy smiling and A LOT of sweating. However, the air conditioner was just a little bit too much of a main character for my liking. But if you're into romance novels and you happen to like supernatural junk, you'll probably like this one a lot.
These books (and more) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Idlewild by Nick Sagan - This is the story of a young man with a great name who attends an elite virtual reality prep school. He wakes up one day with amnesia and wackiness ensues. Okay, maybe not wackiness...or even hijinks. There are a few shenanigans though. But mostly, just some solid sci-fi writing. I enjoyed this book right up until this one chapter at the very end. It wasn't that the chapter was bad, it was just a little weird. Seemed disconnected. That didn't ruin the overall experience or enjoyability of the book though. I plan to read the next in the series, Edenborn, as soon as I find it or order it online. You should read it.
Kitty and the Silver Bullet by Carrie Vaughn - Kitty is a werewolf and also happens to have a supercool radio show about all things supernatural. Of course she also has several people who would like to see her dead. This is number four in the series, I believe. I recommend all of them, despite the silly titles. Great characters and stories. No gaping plot holes, which is nice.
Kiss of Fire by Deborah Cooke - Sara is an accountant turned New Age bookstore owner with a haunted air conditioner. Quinn is an immortal shapeshifting dragon guy who also happens to be a blacksmith. Supernatural forces bring them together, and some other shapeshifting dragon guys want to tear them apart - literally. I knew this was a "paranormal romance" when I bought it (even typing "paranormal romance" makes my teeth itch) but I liked the cover and I'm a sucker for shapeshifters. Overall it wasn't bad. (I might read the next one if I happen to see it on a shelf at the bookstore.) There was just a little bit too much romance for me, though. There was a lot of slow, sexy smiling and A LOT of sweating. However, the air conditioner was just a little bit too much of a main character for my liking. But if you're into romance novels and you happen to like supernatural junk, you'll probably like this one a lot.
These books (and more) can be found in my Amazon.com store conveniently located right here.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I've been listening to Ray LaMontagne for the last week straight. If I could listen to him cranked up here at work, I probably would. If I could put him in an IV and stick him in my vein I would probably do that, too. He is the epitome of awesomeness. The bee's knees, if you will. It bums me out that Wayne doesn't like him. Maybe I'll convert him eventually.
Speaking of Wayne, he was pretty swell yesterday. He got me roses and chocolate for VDay. Awwwwwww, cheeeee.
(A friend of mine in high school used to say "cheeeee" instead of "awwww." I have no idea why, but I always found it funny. You know, I can't even remember which friend it was now. And actually I don't remember if it was high school or college. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't happen at all and it was something I saw on television. I firmly believe that TV rots your brain and steals your creativity. I'm living proof.)
Speaking of Wayne, he was pretty swell yesterday. He got me roses and chocolate for VDay. Awwwwwww, cheeeee.
(A friend of mine in high school used to say "cheeeee" instead of "awwww." I have no idea why, but I always found it funny. You know, I can't even remember which friend it was now. And actually I don't remember if it was high school or college. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't happen at all and it was something I saw on television. I firmly believe that TV rots your brain and steals your creativity. I'm living proof.)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I've been twittering a lot, but no real updates. Twitter is just so much easier than thinking about stuff, logging in, then typing stuff. Lazy. Yes, I am aware.
School has started again. I love my animation class and can't wait to do more fun stuff. My first animation was cheesy and had a lot of problems, but it was superfun. That is, once Wayne and I got the camera rig FINALLY set up. It took longer to figure out how to mount the camera, buy the supplies, then put it all together than it did to draw all 178 individual frames of my animation. For reals! I have a nice setup now though. Perhaps I will post a picture of it. Wayne and I are both extremely pleased with ourselves and our ingenuity. We're all MacGyver up in here.
Well, I was GOING to post my animation video, but Blogger keeps eating it. The title of this post would make much more sense if the video was up, but whatever. I'm not changing it.
School has started again. I love my animation class and can't wait to do more fun stuff. My first animation was cheesy and had a lot of problems, but it was superfun. That is, once Wayne and I got the camera rig FINALLY set up. It took longer to figure out how to mount the camera, buy the supplies, then put it all together than it did to draw all 178 individual frames of my animation. For reals! I have a nice setup now though. Perhaps I will post a picture of it. Wayne and I are both extremely pleased with ourselves and our ingenuity. We're all MacGyver up in here.
Well, I was GOING to post my animation video, but Blogger keeps eating it. The title of this post would make much more sense if the video was up, but whatever. I'm not changing it.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Last night Wayne and I used our Tomtom (GPS navigation thingy, for you people living in caves) on a maiden voyage to see Ani Difranco at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia. While this isn't supposed to be a review for Tomtoms, I have to say it was so extremely useful. We had the wrong address originally, but we got directly to that wrong address with no problems whatsoever. A kindly Philadelphia police officer gave us directions to the actual venue which was luckily nearby. We found parking easily and afterward... I've never had an easier time getting out of a concert and back onto the highway than I did last night. It was so cool. Especially when you compare that experience to a couple of months ago when we went to Baltimore to see Ani. Nothing but headaches and road construction and confusion. Bleh.
Anyway, the concert...
We'd never been to the Electric Factory, but it was a pretty cool little venue. And I do mean little. We weren't standing right at the stage, but very close to it. Anaïs Mitchell was the opening act. Never heard of her, but she was good. I think I'll have to invest in a cd. Gotta support RBR!
Ani finally came out and just the volume of cheering and screaming went up by about a billion decibels. (I was hoarse afterwards.) She did about four new - happy - songs and a lot of older ones. I was left with the feeling, like I usually am, that I can't wait to see her in concert again. I've seen her in Oklahoma, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. I tried to talk Wayne into going to see her again today in Norfolk, VA, but that didn't quite work out. That's okay, I guess. I gotta clean my house anyway.
Anyway, the concert...
We'd never been to the Electric Factory, but it was a pretty cool little venue. And I do mean little. We weren't standing right at the stage, but very close to it. Anaïs Mitchell was the opening act. Never heard of her, but she was good. I think I'll have to invest in a cd. Gotta support RBR!
Ani finally came out and just the volume of cheering and screaming went up by about a billion decibels. (I was hoarse afterwards.) She did about four new - happy - songs and a lot of older ones. I was left with the feeling, like I usually am, that I can't wait to see her in concert again. I've seen her in Oklahoma, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. I tried to talk Wayne into going to see her again today in Norfolk, VA, but that didn't quite work out. That's okay, I guess. I gotta clean my house anyway.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Pretty much since we've lived in our apartment the oven has been broken. I tried to get the landlord to get us a new one, but apparently I'd signed an agreement saying the appliances were not included in the rental. They weren't covered. Basically, tough shit. So we've been making due with two, sometimes three, burners and no oven. His mom kindly got us a toaster oven, but we've yet to use it.
Anyway, after posting a few times in the past to my local Freecycle group, I finally found someone with an oven who was willing to give it to me. FINALLY! YAY! So Wayne and I rented a U-Haul (and somehow a $19 one-hour, in-town rental turned into $52, but I digress) and found the house where the oven was. It was actually in a trailer that the owner was also giving away. And the trailer was propped precariously up on wheels, leaning to one side. We had to use a green plastic lawn chair to get up into the door. I say "we", but it was actually Wayne who made the journey into the trailor.
Long story short, we got the stove home and of course it didn't work properly. The oven didn't work at all and only one burner worked. So we went from three burners down to one. Fuck that! Wayne just unhooked the whole thing and so now we are stoveless.
(Update: We have a BRAND NEW range now. I LOVE IT. I've been cooking my little heart out since we got it. I still think Freecycle is an awesome deal, even though we got screwed on that stove thing. We did get a most fantastic chair out of it when we first moved into the apartment. I'll definitely Freecycle again in the future, but I doubt I'll take anything really freakin' heavy that has potentially broken parts on it. If I can't look at it and see it works, I ain't taking it. Oh and also we've been using the toaster oven to toast this really awesome jalapeño and cheddar foccacia bread from Safeway. MMMmm...)
Anyway, after posting a few times in the past to my local Freecycle group, I finally found someone with an oven who was willing to give it to me. FINALLY! YAY! So Wayne and I rented a U-Haul (and somehow a $19 one-hour, in-town rental turned into $52, but I digress) and found the house where the oven was. It was actually in a trailer that the owner was also giving away. And the trailer was propped precariously up on wheels, leaning to one side. We had to use a green plastic lawn chair to get up into the door. I say "we", but it was actually Wayne who made the journey into the trailor.
Long story short, we got the stove home and of course it didn't work properly. The oven didn't work at all and only one burner worked. So we went from three burners down to one. Fuck that! Wayne just unhooked the whole thing and so now we are stoveless.
(Update: We have a BRAND NEW range now. I LOVE IT. I've been cooking my little heart out since we got it. I still think Freecycle is an awesome deal, even though we got screwed on that stove thing. We did get a most fantastic chair out of it when we first moved into the apartment. I'll definitely Freecycle again in the future, but I doubt I'll take anything really freakin' heavy that has potentially broken parts on it. If I can't look at it and see it works, I ain't taking it. Oh and also we've been using the toaster oven to toast this really awesome jalapeño and cheddar foccacia bread from Safeway. MMMmm...)
People Are Funny (But Also Sometimes Assholes)
Last night I was at Weight Watchers and the Leader (The Leader is good, The Leader is great, we submit our will as of this date!) was telling some hypothetical story designed to motivate us. She was talking about a fictional woman who stopped tracking her food and therefore decided to stop going to meetings. Then The Leader says, "Now, is she a cannibal?"
In my head I'm all... Huh? A cannibal? Did I miss some key part of the story where that even possibly makes sense? Mentally rewinding... Nope, doesn't make sense. I give up - IS she a cannibal?
So The Leader continues her story, "No, of course she's not accountable." And it clicks. A cannibal = accountable. It all makes sense now. Gotta love that Eastern Shore accent.
Last Saturday I was at a different WW meeting. I was supposed to meet a friend there who'd only been one time before. She got there before me, so I was scanning the seats and the length of the line looking for her. Finally I saw her maybe three people in front of me, so I went up to say hi and show her where to find her little folder to give to the receptionist when she checks in. When I moved up to stand next to her the lady behind her got all indignant and snarled, "EXCUSE ME!" Oh, dear! How dare I cut in line. This is, after all, the third grade and things like that matter.
I said, "Don't worry, I'm going back to the end of the line after I show her where to find her stuff." That still wasn't good enough. I was taking too long. She proceded to tell me where to find said stuff, even though she had no idea what she was talking about. She was still huffing and puffing after my friend and I found her folder. So I told her, "I'm going to move to the back of the line now so I don't upset the delicate balance of the universe." Bitch.
I told Wayne about this little encounter and he said (ala Family Guy), "You should have said I thought you people were supposed to be jolly." Dammit, why can't I think of these things?
In my head I'm all... Huh? A cannibal? Did I miss some key part of the story where that even possibly makes sense? Mentally rewinding... Nope, doesn't make sense. I give up - IS she a cannibal?
So The Leader continues her story, "No, of course she's not accountable." And it clicks. A cannibal = accountable. It all makes sense now. Gotta love that Eastern Shore accent.
Last Saturday I was at a different WW meeting. I was supposed to meet a friend there who'd only been one time before. She got there before me, so I was scanning the seats and the length of the line looking for her. Finally I saw her maybe three people in front of me, so I went up to say hi and show her where to find her little folder to give to the receptionist when she checks in. When I moved up to stand next to her the lady behind her got all indignant and snarled, "EXCUSE ME!" Oh, dear! How dare I cut in line. This is, after all, the third grade and things like that matter.
I said, "Don't worry, I'm going back to the end of the line after I show her where to find her stuff." That still wasn't good enough. I was taking too long. She proceded to tell me where to find said stuff, even though she had no idea what she was talking about. She was still huffing and puffing after my friend and I found her folder. So I told her, "I'm going to move to the back of the line now so I don't upset the delicate balance of the universe." Bitch.
I told Wayne about this little encounter and he said (ala Family Guy), "You should have said I thought you people were supposed to be jolly." Dammit, why can't I think of these things?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monthly Booklist
In which I list and possibly recommend the books I've read this month... for no particular reason. You'd think I'd start doing this in a month where I read a few more books. Maybe some impressively thick ones on astrophysics or parliamentary procedure (whatever that is), but alas. If it doesn't have a vampire or people who've met and/or been bitten/threatened/seduced by vampires, you can just shove it. No, not really, but with this list you just might think that:
- Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs - Excellent as usual. I cried at the end and you will too, unless you're a heartless bastard. Enjoy!
- Evermore by Lynn Veihl - My favorite Darkyn book to date. Much more memorable than the last one. Two thumbs up.
- The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilton - Suck. Do not buy this book. See previous post.
To buy any of the books I've recommended (and more!), check out my Amazon.com shop: Doomsday Girl Can Read!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I did it again. I bought yet another Anita Blake novel by Laurell K. Hamilton. This time, though, I was smart(ish) and got The Harlequin for a quarter at a library book sale. (The back of the book had "DISCARD" written across it in black sharpie - boy is there some good advice.)
I will never, ever buy another Anita Blake book from a retail outlet, lest that encourage L.K.H. to continue regurgitating past plots under the guise of fresh content. I will not be an enabler.
It's so sad to see how far downhill these books have gone. They were the books that turned me on to the vampire/dark fantasy genre in the first place. Sad.
I will never, ever buy another Anita Blake book from a retail outlet, lest that encourage L.K.H. to continue regurgitating past plots under the guise of fresh content. I will not be an enabler.
It's so sad to see how far downhill these books have gone. They were the books that turned me on to the vampire/dark fantasy genre in the first place. Sad.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am frustrated. Annoyed. Stifled. Frustrated. With myself. Anyone know how to get your shit together and stop procrastinating about everything? I need to figure out how to enjoy the processes of things instead of just wanting to jump to the superfun, juicy bits. I start something then if I'm not an immediate superstar at it (which hardly ever happens) I give up - only to begin yet another project and fall into the same trap. It's an endless cycle. Or at least it seems endless. Dammit. I'm so good at planning, but not the part where you actually do what you plan. How do I fix that?
Anyway. I'm going to lunch.
Anyway. I'm going to lunch.
Monday, January 07, 2008
No rhyme or reason
The car window is all fixed and we're back from Oklahoma already. It was good to be back home, but I missed my bed. And my computer. Now I'm back to missing Oklahoma again. We had extreme delays coming back to Delaware and I ended up going about 36 hours with only an hour or two of sleep spread across two different plane rides. Argh! Now I'm waiting on my mom to send me a package filled with goodies I either forgot or didn't have room to bring on the plane.
There's this one particular radio commercial (I don't even know what it's about. Maybe car insurance?) and hearing it sends me into a silent rage where all I can do is grit my teeth and stifle the urge to vomit. I don't know what it is about that commercial, but it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe because it's supposed to sound political, but the announcer sounds like Mayor Quimby. Nothing against Quimby, mind you. It's just... I don't know. It makes my ears bleed.
School starts January 29! I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I can get myself on some kind of schedule and not wait til the very last possible second to get my work done this semester. I hate when I do that. I have lots of things I want to do in addition to school and I know the only way to do it is to be on a schedule. So I gotta get that done, then force myself to stick to it.
Wish I had something funnier or more interesting to report, but no one reads this so it doesn't matter either way.
There's this one particular radio commercial (I don't even know what it's about. Maybe car insurance?) and hearing it sends me into a silent rage where all I can do is grit my teeth and stifle the urge to vomit. I don't know what it is about that commercial, but it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe because it's supposed to sound political, but the announcer sounds like Mayor Quimby. Nothing against Quimby, mind you. It's just... I don't know. It makes my ears bleed.
School starts January 29! I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I can get myself on some kind of schedule and not wait til the very last possible second to get my work done this semester. I hate when I do that. I have lots of things I want to do in addition to school and I know the only way to do it is to be on a schedule. So I gotta get that done, then force myself to stick to it.
Wish I had something funnier or more interesting to report, but no one reads this so it doesn't matter either way.
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