I took off work Monday - Wednesday this week because Wayne and I were both out of school for Spring Break. Joy! We went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Frida Kahlo exhibit. It was excellent! Not only were there so many of her phenomenal paintings, but there were also tons of photographs of her and Diego, their family and friends. It was very intimate, despite the people everywhere.
Five years ago, almost to the day, I was in Mexico City visiting the museum in Frida's famous blue house. While there were many more paintings and photographs at the Philadelphia exhibit, the blue house (Museo Frida Kahlo) was just amazing. There was her bed, where she was forced to spend so much of her life. Her casts. Her studio. I was so lucky to have the opportunity to visit there.
If you're in the area, you should definitely check out the exhibit in Philly. Even if you've never heard of Frida Kahlo you'll be amazed by her life, her spirit and her phenomenal artwork.
Go. Now!
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