Friday, February 29, 2008

Monthly Booklist

Here's the list for February. Still no manuals on how to perform brian surgery for fun and profit. Just stuff I enjoy (mostly). Halfway through this month I got bogged down with homework and didn't have much time to finish any other books to add to the list. But here we go... books for February.

Idlewild by Nick Sagan - This is the story of a young man with a great name who attends an elite virtual reality prep school. He wakes up one day with amnesia and wackiness ensues. Okay, maybe not wackiness...or even hijinks. There are a few shenanigans though. But mostly, just some solid sci-fi writing. I enjoyed this book right up until this one chapter at the very end. It wasn't that the chapter was bad, it was just a little weird. Seemed disconnected. That didn't ruin the overall experience or enjoyability of the book though. I plan to read the next in the series, Edenborn, as soon as I find it or order it online. You should read it.

Kitty and the Silver Bullet by Carrie Vaughn - Kitty is a werewolf and also happens to have a supercool radio show about all things supernatural. Of course she also has several people who would like to see her dead. This is number four in the series, I believe. I recommend all of them, despite the silly titles. Great characters and stories. No gaping plot holes, which is nice.

Kiss of Fire by Deborah Cooke - Sara is an accountant turned New Age bookstore owner with a haunted air conditioner. Quinn is an immortal shapeshifting dragon guy who also happens to be a blacksmith. Supernatural forces bring them together, and some other shapeshifting dragon guys want to tear them apart - literally. I knew this was a "paranormal romance" when I bought it (even typing "paranormal romance" makes my teeth itch) but I liked the cover and I'm a sucker for shapeshifters. Overall it wasn't bad. (I might read the next one if I happen to see it on a shelf at the bookstore.) There was just a little bit too much romance for me, though. There was a lot of slow, sexy smiling and A LOT of sweating. However, the air conditioner was just a little bit too much of a main character for my liking. But if you're into romance novels and you happen to like supernatural junk, you'll probably like this one a lot.

These books (and more) can be found in my store conveniently located right here.

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