Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Monthly Booklist

In which I list and possibly recommend the books I've read this month... for no particular reason. You'd think I'd start doing this in a month where I read a few more books. Maybe some impressively thick ones on astrophysics or parliamentary procedure (whatever that is), but alas. If it doesn't have a vampire or people who've met and/or been bitten/threatened/seduced by vampires, you can just shove it. No, not really, but with this list you just might think that:

  1. Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs - Excellent as usual. I cried at the end and you will too, unless you're a heartless bastard. Enjoy!

  2. Evermore by Lynn Veihl - My favorite Darkyn book to date. Much more memorable than the last one. Two thumbs up.

  3. The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilton - Suck. Do not buy this book. See previous post.

To buy any of the books I've recommended (and more!), check out my shop: Doomsday Girl Can Read!

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