Monday, June 26, 2006

I thought you were my friend, TV. WTF?

I'm having a difficult time getting focused on my writing. I want to write. But I find I want to do a lot of other things as well. I lack focus. I think I need a schedule. Not just some vague notion of a schedule I keep in the back of my head, but an actual written-in-real-ink-or-possibly-pencil-depending-on-what-I-have-handy-and-somewhere-there-will-be-paper-involved schedule. And also I need to follow this schedule. I'm learning as of late that I can, indeed, stick to a plan. It's just really, really hard sometimes.

On a completely unrelated topic, I thought I would be smart and use a sunless tanner to deflect some of the blinding white light that reflects off my legs during the summertime. That worked out not so very well. It was Neutrogena's MicroMist airbrush spray on tan and the nice lady on TV promised me even coverage. She lied. Unless by "even" she meant "zebralike."

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