First of all, enough with the multiple-chapter sex scenes. We get it. Everyone wants Anita (and they usually get her). She’s hot. The guys are hot. Everyone’s hot. And they all have fantastic sex together. Got it. I don’t have a problem with the actual having of sex or the frequency with which Anita has sex. The problem is that it is taking up precious page-space where plot should be.
Also, when you talk about a character, or reintroduce them, I don’t think it’s really necessary to spend a paragraph talking about the texture of their hair or how electric blue their eyes are, but not quite as blue as Jean-Claude’s eyes. Again, they’re all hot. Yes, we know.
The main problem I have with the book is, as I’ve mentioned, the lack of new plot. What little plot is present is somewhat convoluted and hard to follow, with new preternatural rules and exceptions to those rules made up at the drop of a hat. There’s nothing very original about this book. It is a rehashed conglomeration of previous plots. For example:
There are probably more, but these are the major ones just off the top of my head. In this book, Anita solves no murders, raises no zombies and doesn’t even kill anyone! This is not the Anita we have come to know and love. I hope she comes back soon. I miss her.
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