Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I love the characters I’ve created for Hope, but I want to know more about them and the world they live in. So, it is time for world-building. It’s amazing to me that if I change one aspect of the world, it changes the characters themselves. Or they could if I let them. Which, evolution being what it is, I am compelled to do so. I just have to uncover the clues to decide which changes stay and which are out the window.

Wayne and I did some intensive work a couple of years ago figure out schools of magic and ways it could be used. I am going to incorporate that magic into this story, with some modifications. It’s two hundred years down the road from the original (and as yet unwritten) story we were working on at the time, so it’s only natural that the magic should change over time. It is a somewhat daunting task, but I am up to it. I think. Also looking forward to thoroughly mutilating the English language. Slang is fun! Think... A Clockwork Orange (sans ultraviolence), if you could understand what they were saying. Yeah. Frankenslang.

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