Thursday, January 24, 2008


Pretty much since we've lived in our apartment the oven has been broken. I tried to get the landlord to get us a new one, but apparently I'd signed an agreement saying the appliances were not included in the rental. They weren't covered. Basically, tough shit. So we've been making due with two, sometimes three, burners and no oven. His mom kindly got us a toaster oven, but we've yet to use it.

Anyway, after posting a few times in the past to my local Freecycle group, I finally found someone with an oven who was willing to give it to me. FINALLY! YAY! So Wayne and I rented a U-Haul (and somehow a $19 one-hour, in-town rental turned into $52, but I digress) and found the house where the oven was. It was actually in a trailer that the owner was also giving away. And the trailer was propped precariously up on wheels, leaning to one side. We had to use a green plastic lawn chair to get up into the door. I say "we", but it was actually Wayne who made the journey into the trailor.

Long story short, we got the stove home and of course it didn't work properly. The oven didn't work at all and only one burner worked. So we went from three burners down to one. Fuck that! Wayne just unhooked the whole thing and so now we are stoveless.

(Update: We have a BRAND NEW range now. I LOVE IT. I've been cooking my little heart out since we got it. I still think Freecycle is an awesome deal, even though we got screwed on that stove thing. We did get a most fantastic chair out of it when we first moved into the apartment. I'll definitely Freecycle again in the future, but I doubt I'll take anything really freakin' heavy that has potentially broken parts on it. If I can't look at it and see it works, I ain't taking it. Oh and also we've been using the toaster oven to toast this really awesome jalapeƱo and cheddar foccacia bread from Safeway. MMMmm...)

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