Thursday, April 19, 2007

Someone somewhere

Monday morning, like most of this week, I was sick and miserable. I dragged myself out of bed long enough to take my husband to class. As I was driving home, a thought came into my head from out of nowhere and made me feel a little better: Somewhere someone is having the best day of their life. Kind of a happy thought, isn't it? I kept saying that to myself and despite rebellious lungs and a disappearing voice, it helped.


I had a long, kind of depressing post written out about the tragedies of April, but I deleted it. We've all lived them. We all mourn and remember them. I don't need to rehash them.

Someone somewhere is having the best day of their lives.
I hope it's you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I love WikiHow. I'm an expert on EV-ER-Y-THING! And the topics are so random. From the exotic to the mundane. Much as I like the site, though, I can't shake the feeling that I'm the only person there who's not in junior high.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Haiku Friday

Chocolate raisins.
Thou foul and wicked temptress.
Raisins are fruit, right?

Weekends go too fast.
Friday is almost Sunday.
Pretty much Monday.

Monday, April 02, 2007

New Additions

I added Holly Lisle's Holly Lisle's Create A Culture Clinic to my recommendations. Holly has a great way of breaking down something as complex as a culture into easy-to-manage steps. I am a sucker for worksheets and well-organized information.

Also, I just purchased her Create A Character Clinic; I will post my thoughts on it once I have finished it. (Or perhaps along the way. We'll see.) I have been putting off reading this book because most of the other character development tutorials out there are just lists of questions you're supposed to answer on behalf of your character. I hate that. They're like those cheesy surveys that tell you what kind of flower you are or what European city you're most like. Blah. No thank you. I know I need to work on my characters, but I just can't bring myself to use those methods. So here's hoping that Holly's book will show me something different and helpful.

Side Note: I've decided to start spelling "recommend" correctly. It's a bold move, let's see how it pays off.