Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I've been twittering a lot, but no real updates. Twitter is just so much easier than thinking about stuff, logging in, then typing stuff. Lazy. Yes, I am aware.

School has started again. I love my animation class and can't wait to do more fun stuff. My first animation was cheesy and had a lot of problems, but it was superfun. That is, once Wayne and I got the camera rig FINALLY set up. It took longer to figure out how to mount the camera, buy the supplies, then put it all together than it did to draw all 178 individual frames of my animation. For reals! I have a nice setup now though. Perhaps I will post a picture of it. Wayne and I are both extremely pleased with ourselves and our ingenuity. We're all MacGyver up in here.

Well, I was GOING to post my animation video, but Blogger keeps eating it. The title of this post would make much more sense if the video was up, but whatever. I'm not changing it.

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